Monday, October 7, 2019

Chinese Astrology - One Situation, Two Outcomes

In life, when we are confronted with a bad situation, there are actually two outcomes. 

The first outcome is obviously negative since it is a bad situation and we may feel distraught or emotionally affected by it. This is an outcome that is fixed by fate - being at the wrong time and at the wrong place. We cannot undo what has happened to us. 

However, how the second outcome turns out depends on our thoughts, words and actions. It is not fixed. In fact, we can choose the outcome in our favour. This is destiny in the making and we have the power to make the best of the situation. And the power we have is over our emotion. 

Depending on the situation, our emotions can manifest in various forms through our words and actions.   

If it is anger over a misunderstanding, the temperamental type will lash out verbally at people whom they perceive has done them wrong.  The words they use can be hurtful to the other party as they let their emotions overpower them.  They lose their sense of control and as a result, they make the situation worse. Physical altercations can ensure. This is the second outcome and it comes swiftly. 

If it is disappointment over something they failed to achieve, they may be conditioned by their lack of ability and perceive themselves as unworthy and undeserving. Such self-defeating thoughts will break their spirits and make them lose their confidence in whatever they do. If they let such thoughts to spiral out of control, they will be filled with pessimism and have a cynical view of the future.  This is the second outcome and it is slow but insidious. 

Whatever it is, we need to remain calm and be in control of our emotion. A bad situation can only get worse if we let out emotion gets the better of us. A calm state of mind and equanimity will help us to think and act better, thereby making the second outcome a positive one, whether immediately or later.

Be mindful of our thoughts, words and actions as they can create outcomes that can be detrimental to us in any negative situation. The second outcome can be worse than the first if we do not learn to control our emotion and cut our losses. Our emotion is controllable and we must subjugate it to our conscious mind by conscious effort.  This is not easy to do as our emotions are deep-seated within our subconscious mind and waiting to pounce on us whenever it is triggered by any external stimuli. 

Our reactions stem from our emotion which pushes us to say or do things without any thoughts to the consequences. Our subconscious mind is much quicker to react to any given situation compared to our conscious mind. This is because of our emotion. 

The only way we can think faster than our emotion is by knowing consciously that with every situation, there are two outcomes. The first is fate – things happen for a reason and the second is destiny – we can choose our response.  

The Four Pillars of Destiny, a branch of Chinese Astrology, teaches us the difference between fate and destiny.  By choosing our responses based on rational minds, we have the power to decide how the second outcome will turn out in any given situation. To create your own destiny, you should know your useful elements and the useful Gods based on your birth chart. Please visit us at

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Chinese Astrology & Feng Shui – Earth Pig Grand Duke Year 2019

Come 4th February 2019, the Chinese will usher in the solar New Year of the Earth Pig. It heralds the arrival of Li Chun or spring in the Chinese solar calendar. 

This is when the energy of the earthly stars will circulate in a property within a defined pattern according to Flying Stars Feng Shui which is a system of Chinese Metaphysics. 
These stars fly to all the nine sectors of a property and bring luck, good and bad, to the occupants. 

Get the life you want by learning the amazing skills of Feng Shui to enrich your-self and make more money this year. 

Star 8 brings financial and career success and it occupies the centre of a property.

Star 4 brings love, romance and relationship. It can also help you to do well in your literary pursuits, study and other academic endeavours. It occupies the north sector of the property.

Star 6 confers authority, influence and power. It occupies the east sector.

Star 9 brings creativity, happy events and joyous occasions. It occupies the northwest of a property.

Star 1 brings nobility, wisdom and recognition. It occupies the west sector.

Star 2 flies into the southwest sector of the house and bring illness. 

Star 3 brings arguments, disputes and legal problem. It flies into the south of a property.

Star 7 brings robbery and fraud. It flies into the southeast sector.

Apart from these stars, the year is also governed by the energy associated with one of the animal signs in the Chinese Zodiac. In 2019, it is the Pig which represents the Grand Duke Jupiter of the year. The Chinese calls it the Tai Sui of the year and it governs the northwest 3 Sector.  To be precise, its compass direction is 322.6º to 337.5º

The dreaded star 5 makes it appearance in the southwest sector this year. It can cause misfortune, accidents and ill health for occupants in this sector. 

There are also the year’s afflictions in the form of the Year Breaker and Three Killings which govern the southeast 3 sector (142.6º to 157.5º) and mostly the west sector (232.6º to 307.5º) respectively. 

The negative effects of the above mentioned stars and afflictions are triggered by any physical disturbance such as renovation works in these sectors of the house. One should not undertake any renovation that involves knocking down the wall, digging the ground or any home improvement work in the above sectors to avoid bad luck.

You should take up a full reading of your birth chart to know your luck for this year and the future. This article only shows you one of the basic applications of the amazing vast fields of Chinese Metaphysics known as Feng Shui. 

Monday, April 15, 2019


Besides the types of mountain and hills, what can you look for when selecting a property in a locality with prosperity and posterity in mind? 

You should make close observation on the quality of soil that make up the land in the vicinity of the neighborhood. 

In Feng Shui, the natural environment we lived in provides us with life giving energy known as qi. It is the life force that sustains all living things on earth. From the highest peak of the mountain, qi flows along the natural contours of the land and makes it way down the valleys where water is located. It is carried by the wind and gathers at the boundary of water.

Get the comprehensive book on Feng Shui and Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) by Alvin Yap entitled "Mind Your Qi, Find Your Luck" and learn the correct principles and fundamentals for getting successful results in your endeavors! 

When you are looking for a suitable property to make your home, you should observe whether there is any mountain or hill around the area. If there is and it is lush with vegetation, you can tap into the qi that is strong and vitalizing. 

But if you would like to know what types of qi is available in the area, you can start by looking at what is below the ground. Qi flows on top and below the ground. Earth is a natural conductor of qi and naturally you can determine the types of qi it carries from observing the soil. The secret is in the color of the soil. To do this, you need to dig about 2 feet into the ground. First, pay attention to the texture of the soil. If it is soft and loamy (with a mixture of clay, sand and some decayed vegetable matter), it indicates positive qi and therefore good quality. Whereas if the soil tends to be rocky and pebbly (with mostly stones), it is not conducive for positive qi to take root. 

Secondly, by examining the soil’s natural color, we can determine the types of qi it contains. Based on Feng Shui concept, there are five elemental phases of qi namely, wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each element takes on a color. 

The following is a general guide as to what each color means in relation to the soil:-
  • Green colored soil denotes wood qi and is associated with nobility, benevolence and growth
  • Red or purple colored soil denotes fire qi and is associated with passion and spirituality
  • Yellowish colored soil denotes earth qi and is associated with wealth and stability
  • Pale white colored soil denotes metal qi and is associated with power and authority
  • Black colored soil denotes water qi and is associated with intelligence and travelling.

Chinese Astrology - One Situation, Two Outcomes

In life, when we are confronted with a bad situation, there are actually two outcomes.  The first outcome is obviously negative sinc...